Field Trips

General field trip information:

Make sure you always use a payment slip to pay for field trips! 

Every effort has been made to book events that your family will enjoy!

  • If ages are posted, these are suggestions in many cases but whole families are welcome. Some of the field trips do have a minimum age requirement, please see the field trip descriptions for this information.
  • Children under 2 are free if they sit in a parent's lap for any performance.
  • Several of the venues offer additional programming that is worth checking into.
  • Please mark your calendars with the payment deadline dates and event dates.
  • Payment deadlines are based on the vendor's schedule for payments due.
  • You must pay for your reservations/tickets by check or cash. Please write in the memo the performance you are paying for. Make checks payable to ENCHEA. Do not forget to include your completed payment slip.
  • If payment is not received by the deadline date you will lose your space, NO exceptions!
  • If you cannot attend a field trip that you have paid for, it will be your responsibility to give or sell your spaces to another EN family. Please notify the Field Trip Coordinator of any changes.
  • Tickets are issued for State Farm Arena, Fox Theater performances and Stone Mountain Pow Wow; all others are reservations, no tickets.
  • Some events do have limited spaces and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please remember that your space is not reserved until your payment has been received. We will do our best to send email reminders through the Eagle’s Nest forum.
  • It is vitally important that you arrive at the location 30 minutes before the scheduled event time. In many cases our group cannot check in until the whole group is assembled.

Payments can be given to Kelli Yarbrough on Thursdays at Crossroads Church or mailed to:

PO BOX 158
Sharpsburg, GA 30277