2025-2026 Class & Club Registration

Enrollment steps to participate in Eluminatus, Performing Arts, and/or Clubs:

  1. Complete EN Membership application and pay $150 fee after application approved (per family). If you are a current EN member, you do not need to re-apply for membership. After the school year ends, you will be required by the system to update your account and the $150 membership fee will be added to your account.
  2. Complete the program-specific enrollment steps in each section below the program or club you would like to participate in. There are multiple steps to the enrollment process for each program!
  3. Register students by selecting desired classes/clubs and then selecting which student(s) you would like to register for each one
  4. Parent/guardian and student attend orientation
  5. Student ID photo taken at orientation
  6. Parent signs up for parent squad duty

Reminder - - to participate in any of the programs or clubs, you must complete the steps in the sections below. There are multiple steps in the enrollment process for each program!

The online payment option for anything related to the upcoming school year will not be available until June 1. (The only exception is for Voyagers annual family fees.)
Cash and checks will be accepted at any time. Checks can be mailed to the PO Box or brought in person to the Treasurer on school days. Cash must be handed in person to a Director or Treasurer.


How to Register for Eluminatus Classes

  • Complete the Eluminatus Family Enrollment Form and pay the enrollment fee per family fee ($80 early registration by 6/30; or $100 late registration 7/1-8/1)
  • Student completes math and science assessments: tutors will contact parents regarding dates for assessments
  • Pay materials fee to tutors by 8/1

Eluminatus: Thursday

8:00-9:25 9:30-10:55 11:00-12:25 12:30-1:25 1:30-2:55 3:00-4:25
HS Physical Science '25-'26 (9th and Advanced 8th)
8th - 9th
HS Chemistry '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS Biology '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS Marine Biology '25 - '26
11th - 12th
MS 6th Grade English Language Arts '25-'26
MS STEAM Science - Exploring the World of Astronomy '25-'26
4th - 7th
MS 7th Grade English Language Arts '25-'26
HS Anatomy and Physiology '25-'26
11th - 12th
MS 8th Grade English Language Arts '25-'26
MS Geography '25-'26
7th - 8th
MS Exploring the World of Physics '25 - '26
7th - 8th
MS 8th Grade Math (Pre-Algebra) '25-'26
7th - 8th
MS 6th Grade Math '25-'26
5th - 6th
MS 7th Grade Math '25-26'
6th - 7th
HS British Literature '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS Fantasy Literature '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS Freshman English '25-'26 (9th and Advanced 8th)
8th - 9th
MS American History '25-'26
6th - 8th
HS American Literature '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS Business Math '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS World History '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS Health '25-'26 (Semester 1)
9th - 12th
HS US History '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS American Government '25-'26 (Semester 1)
10th - 12th
5 (S2)
HS Personal Finance '25-'26 (Semester 2)
10th - 12th
HS Economics '25-'26 (Semester 2)
10th - 12th
HS Spanish 2 '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS Spanish 1 '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS Algebra 2 '25-'26
9th - 11th
HS French 2 '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS French 1 '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS Art 1 '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS Algebra 1 '25-'26
8th - 9th
MS Art '25-'26
4th - 8th
HS Introduction to Computer Science '25-26'
10th - 12th
HS Apologetics '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS Geometry '25-'26
10th - 12th
MS Intro to Spanish '25-'26 (Semester 1)
7th - 8th
HS ASL II & Deaf Culture '25-'26
10th - 12th
HS ASL 1 & Deaf Culture '25-'26
9th - 12th
HS Public Speaking '25 - '26
9th - 12th
HS Logic '25 - '26 (Semester 1)
9th - 12th
9 (S2)
MS Intro to ASL '25 - '26 (Semester 2)
7th - 8th
HS Bible Study '25-'26
8th - 12th
Quiet Study '25-'26
Quiet Study '25-'26
Quiet Study '25-'26
Quiet Study '25-'26
Quiet Study '25-'26
Fellowship Hall
Breakroom '25-'26
Breakroom '25-'26
Breakroom '25-'26
LUNCH '25-'26
Breakroom '25-'26
Breakroom '25-'26

How to Register for Performing Arts

  • Complete the Performing Arts Enrollment Form  (one per student) and pay the $25 per student fee. There is a cap of $100 per family on this fee, so if you have more than 4 children participating, you only pay for the first 4.
  • Pay materials fee to tutors by 8/1

Manage Class Registrations

Performing Arts: Monday Semester 1

8:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:30 2:30-4:30
Ramah Choir Room
PA Junior Musical '25-'26 (Semester 1)
3rd - 8th ; 8 y/o - 13 y/o
PA Drama 1 '25-'26 (Semester 1)
6th - 12th
PA Musical Theatre/Show choir '25-'26 (Semester 1)
7th - 12th
PA Advanced Drama '25-'26 (Semester 1)
8th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
PA Murder Mystery Rehearsal '25-'26 (Semester 1)
7th - 12th

Manage Class Registrations

Performing Arts: Monday Semester 2

Various Rooms
PA Spring Musical '25-'26 (Semester 2)
6th - 12th ; 11 y/o - 19 y/o

Manage Class Registrations

Performing Arts: Wednesday

10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 TBD
Ramah Choir Room
PA Elementary Drama '25-'26(Semester 2)
3rd - 5th
PA Harmony Homeschool Choir '25-'26
2nd - 12th
PA High School Choir '25-'26
8th - 12th

How to Register for Clubs

    Manage Class Registrations


    9:00-12:00 9:30-10:55 10:00-11:00 2:30-4:00
    Chess Club '25-'26
    3rd - 12th
    Every other Monday
    Debate Club '25-'26
    15 y/o - 18 y/o
    Alternate Every Other Monday
    Yearbook Club '25-'26
    8th - 12th
    Robotics Team '25-'26
    5th - 8th
    Jr. Debate Club
    5th - 8th ; 10 y/o - 14 y/o

    How to Register for Voyagers

    • Membership in our Voyagers program begins by putting your name on our waiting list. When spots in our program open up, we will contact families from the waiting list to fill those spots.
    • You can find out more about our Voyagers program by going to our Voyagers page

    Manage Class Registrations

    Voyagers: Wednesday

    1st & 2nd Sem (10 weeks each)
    Voyagers '25-'26